Suspensions Across Google Business Profiles: Have You Been Targeted?

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Phone home screen showing Google's My Business app close up

Google Business Profiles are being mass-suspended across multiple sets of industries and niches. In a period of prolonged search volatility after the latest Google algorithm update, this comes as another blow to small businesses that rely on their Google Business Profile (GBP) to connect them to new customers.

According to replies under Ben Fisher’s post on X, the categories of businesses that are getting suspended include garage door, dumpster, tree service companies, and even personal injury lawyers.

What Business Owners Are Saying

6 posts seeking help on the google business profile community forum
The GBP forum has seen an influx of queries. Source: Website Builder Expert

The GBP community forum continues to fill with messages from worried business owners seeking advice on their situations. The general consensus is that appeals are being ignored, even for GBPs that have stayed in line with guidelines. Here are just a few of the messages:

The Horse Farm Hideout

“I’m not too sure why my business listing has been deactivated when there are other local businesses that are doing exactly the same thing as us listing on Google. […] I have tried to follow the process of reactivating it but I keep getting an error message. “The tool has no moderated content to appeal’ can anybody help me with this please.”

Ahmed Nasir

“My listing is getting suspended again and again […] due to google algorithm which is causing me trouble and I have tried 10 to 15 times [to] appeal and always it gets rejected.

I can give you all the pictures of the store, professional trade license, my ID, phone number, and everything else that can be provided to make a business real, […] but even after that I know that my listing will be dropped due to the Google algorithm, I make appeals not once but twice and both times get rejected.”

Melissa Grace

“Please help. Our business profile, for a business hardly built in more than 10 years where we have delivered our services with passion and high quality, got suspended. 

We have provided all the proof required to get the account re-activated, however we are getting the same response. Please help. 

It is frustrating to see competitors who are not following Google Guidelines being up there in rankings and us, who corrected everything, not getting a chance to be back on the map.”

What Can Be Done to Solve This?

If your profile has been suspended – and you’re confident your business is in line with Google’s GBP Policies and guidelines – you should file an appeal.

This said, a lot of appeals are getting rejected, with business owners receiving a message that reads: “Your access has been suspended because this profile doesn’t follow the guidelines. Edit your business info, and learn how to regain access.”

Google has recently cracked down on GBP policy violations by introducing strict consequences to business owners:

Google's business profile restrictions for policy violations
Google’s response to policy violations has been updated. Source: Website Builder Expert

These updated restrictions could correlate to account suspensions, so it’s worth double checking that your GBP meets the most up to date guidelines set by Google.

If it does, appealing is the only step you can take towards getting your account reinstated at this moment.

Written by:
Annie Angus is a Writer for Website Builder Expert with a passion for shaping jargon-heavy research into digestible content. She has previously researched and written about industries ranging from tech to fashion, and now, after testing our top website builders such as Wix and Squarespace, she is enthusiastic to share her findings with our readers. With first-hand experience in utilizing social media and online marketplaces to grow a small handmade clothing business, Annie understands the priorities and concerns held by SME owners, and knows precisely what they look for in a website builder. She combines this unique perspective with her knowledge of website builders to produce engaging content spanning all areas of the small business journey, from creating a strong website to growing and maintaining an audience.

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